Q3 Vision: NFTY Finance's Step into the $40T Tokenization Opportunity

Q3 Vision: NFTY Finance's Step into the $40T Tokenization Opportunity

We're thrilled to announce a significant achievement today —
the completion of our smart contracts.

This marks a decisive step forward in our journey, and our immediate focus now shifts to security. Starting today, we've commenced the process of interviewing esteemed audit firms to carry out exhaustive reviews of these contracts.

Upon the completion of these rigorous audits, we will release the contracts publicly, affirming our dedication to transparency and accountability. At the same time, we will showcase our user-friendly Dapp, which is now primed for the mainnet beta launch.

Standing at this thrilling crossroads, we're acutely aware of the vast opportunities that await us. Forecasts indicate that tokenized illiquid assets could escalate to $16.1 trillion by 20301, while another report predicts that the overall volume of tokenized assets could soar to $24 trillion by 20272. This landscape presents an enormous opportunity for a flexible NFT Finance protocol like ours to evolve into a pivotal loan and credit market player in this expansive space.

Whether you're a seasoned member of our community or you're encountering NFTY Finance for the first time, we invite you to accompany us on this transformative journey. Keep an eye out for further updates.


  1. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and ADDX, "The Size of the On-Chain Asset Tokenization Opportunity"
  2. HSBC Global Banking & Markets, "Potential of Tokenisation"